2002-03 The Oslo School of Architecture and Design. The Research Training Programme (auditor)
2000-01 University of Oslo, Social anthropology
1999-00.University of Oslo, The Teacher Education Programme, Art and Cultural History didactics
1986-88 Benares Hindu University, Aesthetics in Indian Art
1980-84 The State Art Academy, Oslo. Painting and graphics
1977-80 The Norwegian National Academy of Craft and Art Industry (SHKS) Textile
Solo Exhibitions ( selection):
2024 Assam State Museum, Avd. Karbi Anglong, Karbi Peoples Hall, Taralangso
2003 Rjukan kunstforening, Norway
1998 “ Ashes and soil ” LNM, Oslo
1989,91,93 Galleri 27, Oslo
1988 Bharat Kala Bhavan, Varanasi, India
1987 Triveni Gallery, New Delhi
1993 Sola Kulturhus, Sola, Norway
1984 Galleri Albin Upp, Oslo
Group Exhibitions (selection)
2019 I Seljetreet, installasjon med performance under Festivalen i Kunsthagen på Nesodden
2019 Karnevalet - Feiring og protest, OM;Interkulturelt Museum, Oslo
2018 KåK, The Artists Climate Mic, exhibition, perfrmative stunts, Deichman Main library, Oslo
2017 The Artists Climate Mic, exhibition, perfrmative stunts, Deichman Main library, Oslo
2016 The Ghost Net Collection, at the workshop Oslofjord Ecologies, Renewable Futures, by HiOA at ANX,
2016 Brakkebygrenda - et sted i byen - som ble borte Advarsel: Gentrifiseringskrefter i omløp.
om; interkulturelt museum, Oslo
2015 QR-SR #2 The Ghost Net Collection, with S.Austeen and E.T.Sørensen, Sørlandsutstillingen, Bomuldsfabriken, Arendal
2015 Min hemmelige have, My Secret Garden, Summerexhibition Gallery Eidsfos Manor
2015 JORD- Tapt matjord er tapt for alltid/ SOIL- Lost Soil is lost forever. With Merete Sejersted Bødtker at Tøyen T-bane
2015 Letters to The Future, Palestinian and Norwegian artist. Galleri Gamle Eidsfos
2014 Quick Respons, Slow Respons, TøyenT-bane st. Groupwork,Siri Austeen, Elisabeth Medbøe, Elin T. Sørensen,
sponsored by The Research Council of Norway.
2013 ” The Unbearable Richness of Grey”, NOoSPHERE Arts, New York
2012 Globaliseringskonferansen, (The Conference of Globalisation) Folkets Hus, Oslo*
2012 Der borte, akkurat her (Kunstaksen Fyret –Fortet, Galleri Lista fyr-Nordberg fort, Vestagder museum, Norway*
2009 Contact, Contemporary Norwegian and Slovak Art, Oslo City Hall*
2008 Contact, Contemporary Norwegian and Slovak Art, Bratislava*
2006 Black on white, Galleri Briskeby, Oslo
2005 Kunst i tiden, tid i kunsten, Galleri BOA, Oslo
2001 Seljord Kunstforening ,Sommarutstillinga, Norway*
2001 Johan Stray minneutst. Galleri 27, Oslo
2000 Exhibition “Where birds are flying” Det norske Teatret, Oslo
1997 Galleri 27 Jubileumsutst, Oslo
1995 Trends in contemporary Indian Art II, Gallery Art Heritage, New Delhi*
1991 International Graphic Miniatures 6, Fredrikstad, Norway
1991 Seventh International Triennale, New Delhi*
1990 Sola Kommune jubileumsutstilling, Norway
1989 Vinjeutstillinga, Norway*
1988 Second Int. Woman Exhibition, All India Fine Arts and Craft Society, New Delhi *
1986 Aaj- Udaipur, India
1983,84 Telemarksutstillinga, Norway
1982 Galleri Albin Upp, Oslo
One Night Only:
2015, 7.Jan. Deichman Main Library. The Festival of Climate § 112 with FIAN
2014, 16.Oct, Matbeat, The International Day of Food. Kulturhuset, Oslo. Cooperation with FIAN, Utviklingsfondet og Spire.
Exhibition of 2 installations:Table of Dialogue and Table for Negotiations.
Annual State and Regional Exhibitions:
1979, 90, 91 Høstutstillingen*
2015, 1983 Sørlandsutstillingen*
1989, 2002 Østlandsutstillingen*
Acquired by:
Assam State Museum, Avd Karbi Anglong
Sola Municipality
Public Commissions:
2011 Mosaic Mural, Group work, The old City of Bir Zeit, West Bank, Palestine
2005 Skottekroken, Skien Municipality, Norway
1998 Skøyen Primary School, Oslo
2014 - ongoing Yarnbombing for The Constitution § 112, with Marthe Sveen Edvardsen og Elisabeth Medbøe
2013 Administration of Project; Human Roots, workshop and exhibition with 19 Palestinian and Norwegian Artists.
Hardanger Fartøyvernsenter, Norheimsund, 2-12. Mai*
2011 Project developer/ Coordinator and participating artist workshop in cooperation with PACA Ramallah, Palestine.
Palestinian /Norwegian commission Mosaic Mural for Bir Zeit.
2008 Organising group” What kind of town do we want?” Christiania Torv*
2008 Editorial staff Kontur # 4 ” Hva slags by ønsker vi oss?” *
2018 KåK, The Artists Climate Mic, exhibition, perfrmative stunts, Deichman Main library, Oslo
2017 Video Program at PAO, Oslo for Concerned Artists Norway m. Siri Austeen
2017 The Artists Climate Mic, exhibition, perfrmative stunts, Deichman Main library, Oslo
2015 Climate and Environment in Art, Klimafestivalen § 112, Open Call, Kulturhuset, Oslo
2012 Der borte, akkurat her. Kunstaksen Fyret-Fortet, Galleri Lista fyr-Nordberg fort/Vestagder museum*
2007 Kunstnerne - Byens nomader, Atelieraksjonen. Galleri BOA.
2007 Norge i Verden, Verden i Norge, Group work, Galleri BOA, Oslo*
2005 Kunst i tiden, tid i kunsten, Group work, Galleri BOA, Oslo
* indicates publication/catalogue
2013- 2012 Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond
2006 Statens reise eller studiestipend
2003 Utstillingsstøtte, Norsk Kulturråd
2001 Tinn Kommunes Kunstnerstipend
1988, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97, 02 Vederlagsfondet
1998 Prosjektstøtte, NBK.
1993 Prosjektstøtte Norsk Kulturråd
1992 Chr.Lorck Schives legat
1990 Ingrid Lindbäck Langaards Fond
1990 Statens reise eller studiestipend
1986-88 Norsk -Indisk kulturutvekslingprogram
1985 Dr. Forsbergs legat for unge kunstnere
1984 Hans og Helga Reusch legat,
Relevant work (selection):
2008- 2012 Daglig leder (Director), Billedkunstnerne i Oslo og Akershus- BOA
2006 FoU- koordinator (R&D Coordinator) KHiO, Oslo National Academy of the Arts
2012 Lecturer, HiOA, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences,
2002 -2004 Elvebakken Vgs. Lecturer, Tegning, form & farge.
Lecturing Indian Art and Cultural History (selection):
2004 HiO, 99-01 UiO, ILS. 1999 Nansenskolen, 1993 S.K.A. Oslo
1986 – 93 SKA, SHKS, OTM
2017 Produced and curated the event "Slå ring om Arktis", for Concerned Artists Norway, Kulturhuset, Oslo
2016 Text "New Species?" published in the magazine of FIAN ”Sulten på Rettferdighet”
2016 Contributing to the seminar "Sulten og skjønnheten, den andre samtalen" at Fritt Ord
1994 Made the exhibition “In the Shadows of the Rainforest” collecting items, text and photos.
Touring exhibition about The Karbi People. Sponsored by NORAD. All the items are now in the collection of
University of Uslo, (UiO) The Museum of Cultural History.
1994 Presenting paper “ Aesthetics across boarders” at international conference “Ethnic” Art in the Multicultural World, Oslo
1993 Presenting paper “Jambeli Athon - The totem of the Karbi People, interaction of creativity from different cultures and
social structures. “ at International meeting of Indigenous and Analogous Peoples Bhopal, India
1997 Organising Committee “ Urfolksuka 97 “ (Indigenous Peoples week) Oslo. Production of exhibition at the UiO - The
Museum of Cultural History.
1988 Radio programme “ Å male fra ei anna virkelighet” Interviews recorded in India, 27’ 55’ Broadcasted at NRK, P2.
Most important places of residence:
India 1986-89, 90-94, 95-97, 98, 00, 07
Egypt & Middle East (1 year) 1985
CAN- Concerned Artists Norway
NBK- Norske Billedkunstnere,
LNM - Landsforeningen Norske Malere
NBF - Norsk Billedhoggerforening.
2014 - 2018 Founding member and member of Board, Concerned Artists Norway
2007 – 2009 NBK, Kontrollkomitéen
2005 - 2008 BOA, member of Board, 2006 - 2008 BOA Chairman (re-elected 2008 – 2010 granted leave)
2005 – 2009 Oslo Open, Board member. 2011 – 2012 Oslo Open, election committee,
2005 – 2010 Leader, Atelieraksjonen,
2000 - 2002 OBK Nominasjonskom,
1990 - 1991 LNM, Member of Art Board, 1990
Times of India 1987, Dag og tid 1989
Elisabeth Tamuly Medbøe © 2015 All Rights Reserved